Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Deer Whisperer & Our Living Room Adventures

First off, this is so me...

Well, for those of you who know me know that my first encounter with a deer ever in real life was my first year here in Logan. I knew them oh so well that I thought they were 'Big Dogs' throughout the canyon b/c I had no clue they shed their antlers! (In my defense I was raised in AZ with a family who was not into hunting and had only seen one via pictures) 
Ever since then I've had this looming ability to see deers all over although I'm terrified of them. 

Just this past month I've seen a group of them around the dumpster @ my work, about 12 of them on our drive home from AZ while Curt was sleeping, and the reoccurring deer I see every year in the cemetery on my path to school.

Curt's the one who'd love to see them and rarely does, however I'd be just fine to never see one again. I have this idea in my head that when I'm close to deer/deers they'll charge & pounce!(: I know, ridiculous but I seriously am terrified of that happening! I guess it's from watching those crazy animal's freaking out on people shows!

So the other day walking home from school I again see the famous Cemetery Deer, but this year there is not just one but TWO. Thankfully I'm on the phone with Curt who I thought would comfort me, but oh no he wanted me to take a picture of them. So I mustered up some courage and stepped maybe 2 inches closer than I was and got one on my phone. 

I thankfully made it home without an attack and showed Curt the photos. He was disappointed and thought the male deer was much bigger by the way I described him. So he insisted we go on a walk back through the cemetery to have a closer look. I obliged and we got pictures much closer up than I had previously taken.

There was when Curt dubbed me my new nickname
'The Deer Whisperer'

Here they are...

On a more fun note, in my opinion, we decided to re-live our childhood days on Friday night & made a fort in our living room. Curt was so clever with the set-up. I told him that it was my kind of camping, bathroom close, heater close, and the Christmas tree. He made sure the fort was tall enough so we could watch the TV too(: I guess we could call it our winter camping since there's no way I'd camp in 7 degree weather. We woke up with the air mattress half deflated & with sore backs and bodies but sure had a fun time! Curt was so hyper the next was a crack up to watch!

Me trying to get Curt to agree to 'smile' for once in a picture!

Some awesome static electricity going on with my hair!

We've decided we want to make it a tradition with our kids to build a fort the first weekend in December and watch a Christmas movie with them. I'm sure by that point in our life we won't stick out the whole night though, I'm sure we'll sneak off to a bed once the kids crash!

Random post, and now you know how ridiculous I am with wildlife, but it'll be good to have to look back on, right?!!
And a Thanksgiving post will be coming soon. 
I forgot the 2 most important things: my camera & my temple recommend.
But we did take family pics with the Dana's so I'll post once I get those!



  1. Ha ha, Erik calls me the Moose Whisperer, and I used to think deer were SO EXOTIC too! Arizona Folk. . .

  2. So I think the male deer looks pretty darn big! They kind of look like a little family in the 2nd picture. I LOVE the fort idea and that would be so fun to do with your kids. I might steel it and do it when I get grandkids!!
