Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Tuesday, Tuesday..."

In 7th grade my English teacher would always sing us 'The Tuesday Song' which goes as follows...

"Tuesday, Tuesday what a very, very, very good news day
Today is Tuesday you know what that means 
We're gonna have a special, special day TODAY!"
then she was so cute and would sing
"Have a good day everybody!"

It certainly has been a good news day...

I woke up early this morning with my heart practically pounding
out of my chest signing onto my account to see
if I passed the PRAXIS test or not.
Thankfully after a minute or two of confusion trying to read the scores I scrolled down to the next page to see 

I'm one happy girl so thank you to all of you who so kindly sent your prayers my way!(:

On another good note I got to spin to techno Christmas music this morning in class! By far one of the funnest! 

Lastly, due to my passing the state exam I was able to register for my last semester of college EVER!
It's kind of a bitter/sweet moment but it sure is a great feeling.

Now I can focus on all the countdowns I have going on! 
1. Last day of work = 8 days
2. Home to AZ for Christmas = 9 days
3. PUMPKIN's (Jordan's) arrival!!!! = 14 days
4. CHRISTMAS = 19 days

some pretty exciting stuff going on!
Hope you all are having a great start 
to this BEAUTIFUL Tuesday as well! 


  1. you are beyond awesome, so happy for you, can't wait for all of the countdowns to come true, just not the one where you go home!!! :( I love you

  2. Congratulations Jacque!!! It's an awesome feeling to pass the Praxis :) You'll be done with school before you know it!

  3. Congratulations! That is so exciting!

  4. YAY! Congrats!! Enjoy all the fun you get to spend with your incredible family. Love you!!

  5. Congrats! I totally knew you could do it! I am so happy for you!

  6. I totally remember that Tuesday song! She was an English teacher, right? I cannot remember her name for the life of me...good memories tho! :)
