Thursday, July 1, 2010

2 years ago...

We took the plunge...
I'm so happy we did!(:
I feel so blessed to be married to Curtis, he is the sweetest thing. I love him more than words can say and can't wait for many more years by his side!

Thanks again to our families for making our dreams come true!
Happy 2 years sweetheart


  1. HAPPY Anniversary! I KNEW something was July 1st and I was totally wracking my brain trying to remember what it was. Your post kept me from going insane! Congratulations on two years of marriage- you guys are off to the best start and Chris and I are proud of everything that you have accomplished together so far.

    Much love!


  2. Have a blast today, enjoy each other every day I know that you do. We love you. Here's to 2 wonderful, hard, amazing, cold, hot, jobless, lots of jobs, eating 25 cent soup, and many many more.......Great Memories.

  3. Congratulations Jacque and Curt! That is so exciting :) Being married is the best and I have only been married for four months-ish, so two years is AWESOME! Hope you are doing great!

  4. Congrats on 2 Years!
    What fun memories you are making with the camping, golf, and ice cream :)
